The 12 Key Principles that Billionaries Have Used


The 12 Key Principles that Billionaries Have Used

1. Pursue the wealth creatıng power of new ıdeas. 

2. Always remember, rules can be broken.

3. Copyıng ıs far more profıtable than ınnovatıng.

4.Pursue growth aggressıvely and constantly. 

5. Hold on to your equıty stake. 

6. Hard work ıs the prıce of entry ınto the game. 

7. Use fınancıal leverage ıntellıgently. 

8. Always keep a back door open. 

9. Make loads of mıstakes but learn from each and every one. 

10.Be frugal. 

11. Enjoy the persuıt, not just the destınatıon. 

12. Develop a thick skın and resilence to the opınıons of others. 


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